Revive Youth Leader Podcast
Revive Youth Leader Podcast
Sexual Abuse - What to do when your young people face it, With Tony Martinez S2 E9
In this episode, I talk with Pastor Tony Martinez, a youth pastor who has experienced sexual abuse first hand and has worked with several young people who have faced different forms of abuse. We discuss things that we as youth pastors and leaders should and shouldn't do, and what we are mandated to do.
This is a crucial conversation, and I am super happy that Tony was able to join us.
- Neither of us are certified counselors, if you are facing abuse or know someone who is, please seek professional help.
Website for Help if you have been abused.
Mandatory Reporters - links
Tony's church website - Note the message that their volunteers have been through background checks.
A blog that Tony Recommends
Blog - Set in Silver / Hope in the healing space.
Remember to Review our podcast.
Thanks for listening.