Revive Youth Leader Podcast
The Revive Youth Leader podcast exists to equip ministry leaders to reach, love, and empower students for a life of kingdom impact. As a youth pastor or leader we know that you want to impact young people for the kingdom of God, we want to give you the tools to do that. It can be hard to get through to young people with all the pressures they face. It is our desire to equip you for a transformative youth ministry that will change lives.
38 episodes
Producing Great Events with Brandon DeMaris.
In this episode, I talk with Brandon DeMaris, the CEO of the Gold Wolf Experience, a full-service production and event company. They have helped me produce Revive and are passionate about producing great events. In this episode you will find so...
Season 4
Episode 5

Ministry in Focus with Chad Poe
In this episode, Chad will help us see the importance of impacting people for Christ both in and outside the church. Chad Poe is a Teaching pastor with years of youth ministry experience; he also runs a Cohort that you may want to be a part of....
Season 4
Episode 4

Student Camps and Finding Balance with Rich Maskelony S4 E3
Finding balance is hard in a ministry that can be filled with chaos. In this episode, I talk with Rich Maskelony, a Youth Pastor who also runs a day summer camp every year. We talk sports, ministry, challenges, and ways to thrive. We also discu...
Season 4
Episode 3

Youth Ministry Different - Zac Workun
In this episode, we talk about life, ministry, and how we can be more effective. Zac talks about a number of great areas of ministry. You are not going to want to miss out on this and the many things that Lifeway has to offer, including Youth M...
Season 4
Episode 2

What if Young people could change the church? Juan Martinez
Join us in this heartfelt discussion on leadership as we explore the power of gratitude in fostering strong team relationships. Juan Martinez and I discuss personal reflections and experiences that highlight the importance of acknowledgin...
Season 4
Episode 1

Connection and Community among other youth pastors w/ Zachery Wyatt S3 Ep6
In this episode Zach and I talk about some really great, really important content, We think its crucial for us as pastors (Youth Pastors and leaders) to connect with other leaders. We talk about the youth leader collective and the conference th...
Season 3
Episode 6

Finding rest and counter culture in Chrsitianity w/ Zac Workun from Lifeway. S3 Ep5
What a great episode, I always love talking to Zac, we talk in this episode about some crucial things for youth workers from rest to culture. We also break down some coffee talk and where ministry is going. Zack is Reading:
Season 3
Episode 5

Running a Day Camp w/ Rich Maskelony S3 Ep4
Rich and I have been friends for a while now, and Rich is in a new role, he works as the youth pastor of a church in the mountians of NC. There he runs one of their biggest yearly ministries. Their Summer daycamp program. In this episod...
Season 3
Episode 4

Finding Yourself as a New Pastor with Bryan Arvelo S3 Ep3
This week we welcome Bryan Arvelo back on the podcast to talk about what it's like to have been in ministry now for 1 Year. We talk about finding strengths and weaknesses, managing time well, and finding balance in the business of life a...
Season 3
Episode 3

Valleys over Mountains with Tom Bump S3 Ep2
Tom Bump has just released a powerful new book called Valleys over Mountains, yes you heard that right, I even had to double-take when I typed it in. Valleys over Mountains. In this interview, we talk about how the journey through the valleys c...
Season 3
Episode 2

Coaching can benefit you with Melissa J. MacDonald. S3 Ep1
Melissa has so much valuable experience in youth ministry, and in guiding other pastors to success. She talks in this episode about her passions and why coaching can be a big benefit to us. You are not going to want to miss this. Especially our...
Season 3
Episode 1

Lead Yourself Well, with Benjamin Lundquist S2 Episode 16
Life is such a challenge, but when you are not taking care of yourself you are at a huge disadvantage. Leading yourself is crucial for success. Ben is a Speaker and Young adult leader. He is devoted to helping others become better leader...
Season 2
Episode 16

Love Riot author Sara Barratt - S2 Ep 15
In this interview, we talk about struggles that young people are facing from the eyes of a young adult. Sara Barrett is a blogger on
Season 2
Episode 15

Back to the Bible Across the Pond with Tim Gough S2 Ep14
Tim and I talk about what youth work is like in the UK, and how it differs from here in America. We talk about theology and getting youth ministry to move from entertainment to the Bible. This episode will challenge and expand your understandin...
Season 2
Episode 14

3 Big Questions - with Brad Griffin from Fuller Youth Institute S2 Ep13
What a powerful conversation, in this episode Brad and I talk about some of the biggest questions that young people are asking. We talk about the new Book that Fuller Youth Institute has just released and we dig into the why, behind our student...
Season 2
Episode 13

Pastoring Parents with Jay Holland S2 Ep12.
In this episode, Jay and I explore the successes that are possible when you involve students' parents in your youth ministry goals. Jay has an amazing story of how he saw the importance of involving parents in ministry. He also saw a huge...
Season 2
Episode 12

Zac Attack, Interview with Ministry Booster's Zac Workun S2 Ep 11
Had a great interview with Youth Ministry Booster's Zac Workun. Zac and his buddy Chad founded a great resource called Youth Ministry Booster through Lifeway. I got the opportunity to catch up with Zac and we had a blast catching up on what he ...
Season 2
Episode 11

Burnout in Ministry with Tom Bump S2 Ep 10
This episode is close to my heart. I got to interview Tom Bump from RestoringLeaders.org Tom loves Coaching and helping leaders find restoration in burnout and times of struggle. Maybe you are bur...
Season 2
Episode 10

Sexual Abuse - What to do when your young people face it, With Tony Martinez S2 E9
In this episode, I talk with Pastor Tony Martinez, a youth pastor who has experienced sexual abuse first hand and has worked with several young people who have faced different forms of abuse. We discuss things that we as youth pastors and leade...
Season 2
Episode 9

Is Youth Ministry Biblical, With Mike McGarry S2 Ep 8
Today I interview author/ Blogger/ and podcaster, Dr. Mike McGarry. What an awesome conversation. We touch on his years of experience, and the basis behind his book, A Theology of Youth Ministry.Mike has been working hard to creat...
Season 2
Episode 8

Uncommon Teen creator, Jamie Kirschner. S2 Ep7.
I love this interview Jamie is a visionary that God has gifted with a mission for young people, she has been in young ministry as a volunteer youth minister for years. She has recently started the Uncommon teen podcast that is directed at equip...
Season 2
Episode 7

Interview with Drew Hill, Author and Veteran Youth Pastor S2 Ep6.
This interview was awesome! Drew has a love for God and young people that is unparalleled. You will get so much value out of this interview, I know that I did. Drew has many years of ministry excellence under his belt. He has written a book cal...
Season 2
Episode 6

Interview with Veteran Youth Director, Pastor Stanley Knight. S2 Ep 5
In this episode, Stanley talks about the years of ministry he has had, with over 27 years in ministry, you will benefit from the wealth of experience he has and the many things he has learned. Stanley has made a big impression on my life ...
Season 2
Episode 5

Worship Ministry and its effect on Youth Ministry with Pastor Devin Lilly. S2 Ep4
This is a power packed episode. You will be challenged by some great thoughts by, Devin Lilly and how worship has a powerful impact on us and our relationship with God. Devin has spend years in Youth ministry and years as a worship pastor. He h...
Season 2
Episode 4

Will Wilson Jr. From Elevation Church. Session 2 Episode 3.
Wow what an episode, in todays episode I sit down with Pastor Will Wilson Jr. One of Elevation churches Youth Pastors. He breaks down so many ministry truths, you are going to want to listen to this. He speaks about everything from impact durin...
Season 2
Episode 3